Describe the installation and storage of the consumer unit upgrade.

Installation of consumer unit upgrade :

If you got an existing Consumer Unit Upgrade  to remove a wall. The wall needs to plaster him behind, so they’ll remove it out of the way. So there’s a clear run of the wall western power has already been upgraded, and an overhead power line to an underground power line. So they now have an external meter box; they’ve put a new cut out and removed the meter fitted in the external meter box. It’s all ready for us to reconnect, so I was preparing the property for this plastering to be carried out. They will carry out a new installation with a new metal consumer unit.

So you will take the consumer unit upgrade contact trap to get that out. Your way got kit indeed just there up under the stairs with you to put all this right. You’re going to go and get the other job sorted. Take this board off if you snip that before pulling it out because it will be easy to get those looks out. So they’re going to all this off-peak they’re just going to label together. Because they know what it’s for to save us Time.

They got to take this tail out; apparently, you didn’t need that bit, so they need to take out this tail here, which comes up, so it’s always easier. They go that frees this up to take this off the contact when the new board goes on, so you always want to save the cable. Because when the boss is feeling generous will give you a crystal bonus with the Scrap. If you got the cables coming down from the ceiling for the heaters so you can now take this one out of this board. Once you’ve disconnected these Cables come off together, knowing that they’re old storage users.

Consumer unit storage :

There’s always one; there are all old storage heaters. You’ll snip the ends off these to make it look nice to the consumer unit upgrade rather than just look like it. If you’ve got exposed cables everywhere, it’s all dead, but that board is free to come off the wall out of the way ready. That’s one down two to get away because you don’t need that in your way if you did not get the Allen keys out ready. After all, they never think ahead but got one t your bag next to them.

Suppose you need to find out which is mounted onto that bit of plastic level for some reason. We don’t need to be holding on don’t need to stick it all behind us for now. Once in that way because, as you can see, it’s not exactly the most enormous cupboard in the world. If any of the brass or copper always want to save, that’s your Christmas bonus. Suppose your boss is suitable for you if he’s yet to find a new job. These screws on this board cover like spring loaded, so look, it doesn’t work; it doesn’t want to come off for a month wrapping the board. You will break it off because it’s driving you insane and slowing the job down. So these come out. These slide in quickly, and put your cable into the top of the ball. If your whole Time is correct, let’s get all these other tails out Again. I got all the other cables out; they know you can tape them together. The old store cheaters used to come on with the off-peak connect or Disconnected if you didn’t drop the tools; you probably never want to come out too quickly, so this board to pay.